Saturday, July 14, 2007

ALERT: Vote 'No' on 'Pre-K Counts' as Pro-Abortion

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i) ACTION: Say 'No' to 'Pre-K Counts' as a Pro-abortion Initiative

i) ACTION ALERT: Tell your state senator & rep to vote against the budget
UNLESS the 'Pre-K Counts" Pro-abortion Accommodation is removed.

The Budget Language Votes are expected Saturday or Sunday. The Senate will
vote first. Then send to the House.

The budget agreement was a negotiation using broad ideas. The legislature is
meeting to work out the language and vote on an actual budget. There is
still time to call or email your legislators to vote against the budget
UNLESS the 'Pre-K Counts' Program is removed as a Pro-abortion
Accommodation. You may send or modify the letter below.

Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dear Sir:

We are calling on all pro-life legislators - and those concerned with lives
of all children - to vote against the current budget agreement UNLESS the
'Pre-K Counts' program is removed.

As the General Assembly works out language for the budget agreement, it is
poised to put additional future burdens on families and businesses for their
spending habits of today. In a year with a more than half-billion dollar
budget surplus, why should Pennsylvanians be spending an additional $1.5
billion dollars? For example, the budget agreement includes $75 million for
the NEA/PSEA "Pre-K Counts" initiative to begin a universal, taxpayer
funded, regulated and unionized pre-school program for the state's three
and four year olds. While the pilot program is for $75 million today, it
will be billions in years to come. (Watch for higher property taxes to

Moreover, the 'Pre-K Counts' program is PRO-ABORTION. It's purpose is to
accommodate abortion. A major motivation for the NEA/PSEA initiative is
because the union's PRO-ABORTION activism has so reduced the number of
school-aged children that there is a desperation to "salvage the jobs of
teachers" and union dues by enrolling the SURVIVING children - earlier.

The low births from legal abortion, the loss of approximately 17 to 20
percent of babies to abortion each year, has been a disaster to social
security & many industries including education. Wrong moral choices always
have wide-ranging consequences with negative impacts in unexpected areas of
life. In this case: economic and job security.

PA's "Pre-K Counts" initiative by Gov. Rendell on behalf of the NEA/PSEA is
one more manifestation of the desperate attempt to stave off the inevitable
collapse of the public school system and the unions by virtually stealing
babies, tots and toddlers from the cribs, playpens and church-operated
pre-schools of American mothers and fathers. Educrats and bureaucrats will,
of course, expect those parents to pay even more taxes for the privilege of
this edu-kidnapping ploy.

All of this is done under a veneer of "compassion" and platitudes about
"early learning opportunities" for younger and younger... and younger... and
younger children... children who are best served by their parents rather
than Orwellian, government mandated and educrat demanded "womb-to school"

I repeat: We are calling on all pro-life legislators - and those concerned
with lives of all children - to vote against the budget agreement UNLESS the
'Pre-K Counts' program is removed.

William Depner
PA Pro-life & Conservative Coalition


1) Call your PA State Senator and State Rep. Capitol information is

2) To email your state senator & representative, click -

> Type in your 5 or 9 digit zip code (upper
right) > Click name of your senator/representative > Click their email >
Type or paste in message. Send.


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Pennsylvania Pro-Life and Conservative Coalition
P.O Box 53
New Buffalo PA 17069

"Teaming up on pro-life and values issues begins by building relationships."

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