Big City Homosexual Men Are Epicenter of New Virulent MRSA Staff Strain
SAN FRANCISCO — A new variety of staph bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact, is spreading among gay men in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, researchers reported Monday. …
The risk of contracting this difficult-to-treat bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of the city's population, researchers found….
What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections - up to 40 percent - occurring in the buttocks and genitalia. – San Francisco Chronicle story on new staph bacteria spreading among homosexual men
What a mystery … How could it be that so many infections are occurring in the "buttocks and genitalia" of San Francisco men (who have sex with other men)? …
Is this not an eerie reminder of the initial stories about AIDS — then called GRID (Gay-Related Immunodeficiency Disease) – 25 years ago? It is unfathomable that after that plague, disease specialists and the media are now surprised at the correlation of new infections with homosexual behavior.
Wake up, medical and political establishment: homosexual behavior is unhealthy — no matter how many secular sermons you preach against "homophobia." Due to liberal political correctness, which insists on treating aberrant — even deadly — behaviors and lifestyles as a "civil right," we as a society don't seem to have learned much from the AIDS pandemic. This latest news begs some serious questions:
- Why aren't all schoolchildren being taught that there are special health risks associated with homosexual behavior and that they should "just say no" to homosexuality? (Instead, schools are willy-nilly working to spread the PC idea among youth that certain people are naturally "gay," and that this is a harmless identity);
- Why won't the news media make the common-sense connection between these frequent stories about (male) homosexual behavior and disease — to the idea that perhaps it's probably not smart for society and pop culture to celebrate homosexuality and bisexuality?;
- Why isn't there a concerted government effort — akin to the current anti-smoking campaigns — to reign in homosexual promiscuity – beginning with closing down all sex businesses (bathhouses) that facilitate homosexual perversion? (Of course, we favor closing down straight prostitution business as well.) We know that bisexual behavior (men on the "down low") help spread dangerous diseases to the general population: how many deaths and illnesses have to result from "second-hand sodomy" before authorities take corrective action? (Curiously, even President Bush's White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, recently abruptly cut off a question by reporter Les Kinsolving critical of homosexual bathhouses);
- If any other behavior were as closely linked to death and disease as male homosexuality, would we be so careful not to criticize it – or would we offer healthy alternatives to it like abstinence and the ex-"gay" movement?
Here is just one Reader Comment to the Chronicle piece that makes a lot of sense :
luvgabe wrote:
We as a species just don't seem to get it: There are consequences to behavior! We no longer take AIDS seriously anymore because of drug treatment, so we go back to doing the same behavior, which brings on a new epidemic that now threatens to jump the boundary to become a hetero scourge as well.
I have already heard a few horror stories from people who knew someone who has contracted MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) at a hospital, or who has tried to take extraordinary measures to get explicit assurances from doctors that their facilities are MRSA-free (I don't know if this is possible). A friend writes:
I have an older lady friend who has been battling MRSA since October when she had a knee replaced. It's just horrible — even though she got prompt treatment, the infection will ebb, but then surge again. The doctors thought she was on her way back to health, but she's back at the infectious disease specialist this month with increased sed rate and a hot knee. Very scary!
Be careful to ask questions about MRSA before you go in for an operation! We'll be watching this story carefully. Now watch as "gay" activists blast me and AFTAH for pointing out the obvious link between homosexual behaviors and the spread of diseases, new and old. — Peter LaBarbera
As reported by the San Francisco Chronicle's medical writer, Sabin Russell; to read more Reader Comments to the Chronicle story (some very interesting), go HERE (emphasis added):
S.F. Gay Community an Epicenter for New Strain of Virulent Staph
SAN FRANCISCO (Jan. 15) — A new variety of staph bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact, is spreading among gay men in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, researchers reported Monday.
The study released online by the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found the highest concentrations of infection by the drug-resistant bug in and around San Francisco's Castro district and among patients who visit health clinics that treat HIV infections in gay men in San Francisco and Boston.
The culprit is a form of MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bug that was once confined to hospitalized patients but, since the late 1990s, has been circulating outside medical settings, afflicting anyone from injection-drug users to elementary school students. A strain called USA300 has been a leading cause of MRSA infection in this decade, and an exceptionally drug-resistant variant of it is now on the loose, researchers say.
The study estimated that 1 in 588 residents living within the Castro neighborhood 94114 ZIP code area [San Francisco's famed "gay" center] is infected with that variant, which is resistant to six types of commonly used antibiotics. The risk of contracting this difficult-to-treat bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of the city's population, researchers found.
"We probably had it here first, and now it is spreading elsewhere," said Binh An Diep, a researcher at San Francisco General Hospital and lead author of the report. "This is a national problem, and San Francisco is at the epicenter."
The germ typically causes boils and other skin and soft-tissue infections and, despite its resistance to some drugs, is still treatable by surgical drainage and several classes of antibiotics. What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections - up to 40 percent - occurring in the buttocks and genitalia.
Although researchers have stopped short of declaring this form of staph a sexually transmitted disease, the infections are found where skin-to-skin contact occurs during sexual activity.
Most of the infections are limited to the skin surface, but the bacteria can invade deeper tissues or disseminate through the bloodstream. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various forms of MRSA are causing 95,000 of these more costly and potentially life-threatening infections - and 19,000 deaths - annually in the United States.
Until last year, staph infections had never been linked to sexual activity. Early last year, New York City physicians traced three instances of staph infection apparently spread by sexual contact. Their report was published in February in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.
A month later, doctors from the Albany Medical Center in New York reported in the Journal of Urology three cases of multi-drug-resistant staph in the groins of three patients - one of whom developed a form of rapid-tissue destruction popularly known as "flesh-eating bacteria" disease. The patients recovered after treatments with surgery and antibiotics.
San Francisco General Hospital physicians have been battling an aggressive strain of MRSA, called USA300, since 2001. The most recent study estimates that this strain alone is infecting about 2,000 city residents a year.
But the latest problem is being caused by a new variant of USA300 that was first detected in a San Francisco patient in 2003. Among the six antibiotics it is resistant to are three that are normally considered for treatment of suspected MRSA. The study estimated that 200 cases of this highly drug-resistant variant are turning up in San Francisco each year, mostly among gay men.
"We are nowhere near the peak," Diep said. "The peak will occur when it spreads into the general population."
Diep said there is reason to believe that the more drug-resistant strain will make that leap because it is just a slight variant of USA300, which became one of the most common strains of MRSA in the United States only a few years after it was first detected.
1 comment:
Wow!! A man can get a deadly form of staph infection if he puts his genitals in another mans fecal ejection cavity?? Who would have thought….
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