Wednesday, December 24, 2008

AFA of PA Action Alert: Our Tax Dollars to Homosexual Groups; Sign the Petition to Stop Planned Parenthood Bail-out



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December 19, 2008


1.)     Another Link for The Soldier’s Christmas

2.)    Modern Day Baal Worship

3.)    Freddie Mac Funds Homosexual Groups

4.)    Pro-Abortion and Homosexual Special Interest Groups Layout Obama’s Agenda


1.)     In case you had problems with the link for The Soldier’s Christmas included in yesterday’s alert, try this one  I apologize for any objectionable material you may have encountered with the other link.

2.)    Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel has written an excellent article today in World Net Daily equating Baal worship with the ‘progressives’ of today who are pushing abortion, homosexuality and hedonism.  Click here to read the article. 

3.)    Why would a government mortgage company provide grants (our tax dollars) to homosexual groups?  Why doesn’t an organization that ministers to ex-gays and their families qualify? 

4.)    In recent weeks there have been meetings of various special interest groups who are laying out what their expectations are of the new administration.  A 55-page pro-abortion plan is outlined on – the website of “The Office of the President- Elect.”  Click here to read that plan (click on “Documents” after the first sentence).   The price tag on this request is $4.6 billion!  In Washington, D.C. homosexual leaders met from December 4-7 to discuss their goals for the incoming administration.  The Office of the President-Elect seems anxious to comply with homosexual activists’ wishes (check out the second section on this webpage).




1.)    Pray for our nation as never before.


2.)    Sign the Susan B. Anthony List petition to stop the Planned Parenthood bailout. 


3.)  Don’t forget you can now listen to Diane Gramley’s weekly radio program ‘American Family Focus on PA Issues’ on our website.  Click here


4.)  Feel free to forward this alert to other concerned Pennsylvanians.  If this alert is being forwarded to you by a friend, please feel free to sign up by clicking here.  


5.)  As the end of the year approaches, please consider supporting the ongoing work of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania with an end-of-the-year donation.  Make an online donation.


In His service,


Diane Gramley


American Family Association of PA


P.O. Box 1048

149 Summit Drive

Franklin, PA   16323

Phone:  1.814.271.9078   FAX:  1.814.437.5432


AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation.



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