Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Constitution Study Lessons starting January 16th. EVERY THIRD FRIDAY

Hot Dog!  FINALLY a class taught in Allegheny County, and close to its population center too!


All, I've attended these classes and they were stupendous, but unfortunately have been quite a driving distance from many of us.  I also personally met the presenter from NCCS who will be providing you the instruction on the DVD.  Now is your chance to become a CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERT, to become knowledgable in the document many of our leaders and public servants have sworn to protect and defend, but honestly know squat about!  This is your chance to learn about the Constitution, to talk intelligently about it with your political and religious leaders, and most importantly, to teach your children.


Please invite others you know, invite others (policemen, military, political leaders, etc.) who sware an oath to protect and defend this document.  DO ALL YOU CAN FOR YOU YOURSELF TO ATTEND!

Andrew Maul of Pittsburgh, Pa., is a "Citizen Fighting Tyranny."
from - The Wall Street Journal - October 17, 2007

From: jimbarr@westview.zzn.com
Subject: [ronpaul-97] New Meetup: Constitution Study Lessons starting January 16, 2009. EVERY THIRD FRIDAY
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 08:42:23 -0500

Announcing a new Meetup for Supporters of Ron Paul's Campaign For Liberty: Pittsburgh!

What: Constitution Study Lessons starting January 16, 2009. EVERY THIRD FRIDAY

When: January 16, 2009 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Constitution Study Lessons starting January 16, 2009. EVERY THIRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH at 7:00 p.m. at 305 Center Avenue, West View, PA 15229. Presented in a series of DVDs taught by Dr. Earl Taylor. Dr. Taylors study courses appeal to a wide range of participants, from high school students to state legislators. The materials used in the presentation are from the National Center for Constitutional Studies. It teaches the U.S. Constitution in the tradition of Americaʼs Founding Fathers. NCCS has taught thousands of families throughout America the original principles and ideas drafted by our Founding Fathers. The lessons acknowledge that American and the Constitution were established by the hand of God, and thus advocate morality and religious principles as the essential foundation of human happiness and freedom. To get a copy of the flier for this Constitution Study Lesson go to FILES and click onto CONSTITUTION STUDY LESSONS. For more information call Jim Barr at 412-931-5286

Learn more here:


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