Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update: Lobby Day in Harrisburg-Wed June 6th

Lobby Day in Harrisburg - from Mary Lou Gartner


  =>[ED.NOTE: ATTENTION PRO-LIFERS & pro-family activists!

For modest cost, you can help lobby for strategic pro-life legislation in Harrisburg. We have to lobby the legislature in teams like the 2d Amendment people do so effectively.]     


  Please join with PCUC (People Concerned for the Unborn Child) for a lobby day in Harrisburg on Wed. June 6. Tentative plans are to leave from Monroeville at 6 am and return that same night. We are in need of volunteers with large vans - cost of trip to be shared.


We will meet in Room 39 East Wing of State Capitol and be given materials, instructions etc. Points we will be lobbying for:


 => Ultrasound Bill - It will call for abortion facilities to make available for each mother an image of her child. She will also receive a print copy. Work on the Bill continues. Fourteen states are preparing legislation in this area.


 => Conscientious Objection Bill - This will provide legal protection for individual pharmacists and also pharmacies who do not wish to dispense certain products because of moral reasons.


 => Sexual Predators - A bill calling for full reporting of these crimes should be introduced soon. Planned Parenthood particularly makes this legislation necessary.


 => Marriage Protection Legislation - is to be introduced by the fall in the Senate. This bill would state that marriage is between one man and one woman. To date, 27 states have been successful. "PA for Marriage" has been formed and staffed.


 => Family Planning - Gov. Rendell did not place in the Budget the usual $4.4 million for "Women's Services." Rather, he entered $3 million with a 9x federal match, totaling some $27 million. It has yet to be determined exactly how we will attack this entry.


If you are able to join us, please e-mail me back or call 412-793-0807

- all are welcome to join us in this effort.


Thank you and may God bless our endeavors.


Mary Lou Gartner, PCUC

Political Director 




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