Saturday, October 27, 2007

LLM's Gay Pride Virginia Outreach and the WV,PA and VA Campus Tours

Life and Liberty Ministries Street Report October 2007

Gay Pride Virginia Outreach and the WV,PA and VA Campus Tours

It is all too easy to take for granted the grace by which we are saved. When I look at my unworthy life and the blessings I have been given, I realize that I would be a man most wicked and selfish not to share the message of salvation with those who have not yet heard. May YHWH give us His heart for the lost and a holy discontentment with this world's empty and time wasting pursuits. LLM has just finished up a busy tour season. Pray that the seeds planted and watered will grow for His glory.

Abortion Clinic Outreach

If you were scheduled to be murdered, would you want someone to speak out on your behalf? It sounds like a ridiculous question, but if we were doing unto others as we would have them do unto us, it would seem that there would be more voices speaking out at our local abortuary. Babies are saved when Christians decide to show up. Many babies have been saved since our last update. Many more could have been saved if we just had the people to help cover the clinics during the killing hours. Please consider giving a couple hours a month to be a voice for babies just moments before their execution. Contact LLM for information on how you can make a difference.

Gay Pride Virginia Outreach

Once again LLM was present at the annual Gay Pride event in Richmond. Along with preaching, we distributed Gospel tracts and witnessed to many of those present.

WV, PA and VA Campus Tours

In Sept., LLM travelled to WV to minister on the street and at several universities. The Carpenter family set up this outreach and it was blessed with great success.

In early Oct. we travelled to PA to work with Repent America on their annual tour. The team was made up of many seasoned veterans of street outreach and the Father was pleased to use us mightily. At least two babies were saved from abortion and the Gospel was preached with power.

See pictures from the recent tours by clicking HERE.

There was much freedom to minister on the campuses and streets. One of our stops was Philadelphia's "Outfest". In 2004, I and ten other Christians were arrested and charged with many outrageous crimes while ministering at this celebration of Sodom. The charges were all bogus and were evenually dismissed. This year, we broke up into four teams and ministered throughout the event. Many young people are being drawn into this perversion. Please pray that the many seeds sown will bring forth much fruit.

Immediately following the PA tour, LLM held its 11th annual VA Face the Truth Tour. Most of the team from PA took part and many university students heard the true Gospel for the first time. Darkness abounds on our nation's campuses. Consider reaching out to the students in your area!

Richmond Literature Project

LLM has been pressing on toward the goal of delivering comprehensive pro-life and Gospel literature to every home in the City of Richmond. One day during our VA tour we had eight teams working throughout the city and covered a vast area. Consider helping us with this project. We will provide the literature and maps. You provide the walking shoes.

Keep Us On The Street

Please help keep us on the street to minister on behalf of the children scheduled to be killed. Babies are saved and the Gospel is preached as we daily minister on the streets and at the killing centers. If you can''t be there, please help those of us who are. One-time gifts or monthly support helps to cover the cost of literature, fuel, vehicle repairs, and missionary support (family of twelve), etc. etc. Giving has decreased in recent months but LLM's expenses haven't. Please stand with us through your prayers and financial support. We can't do it without you.

The Purchase of a t-shirt from helps to support LLM.

Need Gospel tracts? LLM has hard hitting Gospel tracts that get read. Check them out HERE!

·  Donate to Life and Liberty Ministries

Dennis Green

Life and Liberty Ministries

P.O. Box 862

Powhatan, VA 23139

(804) 492-9216

·  Life and Liberty Ministries

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