Sunday, December 02, 2007

News Release: Rick Warren and Hillary Clinton Are Both Wrong on AIDS

American Family Association of Pennsylvania



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  December 1, 2007

CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


Pastor Rick Warren and Hillary Clinton are Both Wrong on AIDS


(Harrisburg) --  Today is World AIDS Day and a statewide pro-family organization, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), stated that the truth is being side-stepped when it comes to HIV/AIDS and there seems to be major players in the deception.  From November 28th to 30th Rick Warren held Saddleback Church’s third annual ‘Global Summit on AIDS and the Church.’   There were over fifty speakers including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  The first annual Youth HIV/AIDS Summit will be held on December 1st.


“One must wonder when all these organizations which approach this issue from many different angles get together to discuss HIV/AIDS, whose idea wins out?  Will it be those who say that everyone in the world should be tested for HIV/AIDS because they are likely going to contract it?  Will it be those who encourage condom distribution or abstinence to stop the spread of AIDS?  Will it be those who view the AIDS epidemic as a moral issue and approach the solution in that manner seeking to address the cause of the ailment and not just treat the symptoms?  Who wins out and how much accurate information is provided in the debate?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


Gramley further commented, “HIV/AIDS cases are largely the result of sexual activity between homosexual men.  Unfortunately, more innocent ‘bystanders’ are being exposed to the virus – a faithful wife whose unfaithful husband brings it home, those who receive tainted blood through transfusions and children are being added to the numbers of AIDS cases, but these can all be traced back to someone being involved in sinful activity.”


The AFA of PA hopes that the following information was included in the “Global Summit on AIDS and the Church.”  If hard hitting and accurate – not politically correct – information is not presented then it will be the children of the world who will suffer the most because of the misinformation perpetuated by adults.

  • Men who have sex with men made up more than two thirds (68%) of all men living with HIV in 2005, even though only about 5% to 7% of men in the United States reported having sex with other men.
  • Men who have sex with men accounted for 71% of all HIV infections among male adults and adolescents in 2005
  • The CDC acknowledges that bisexual men are a bridge to heterosexual women for HIV/AIDS infections.
  •  Dr. James Chin, former head of a World Health Organization Global Program on Aids unit from 1987-1992 and Drs. Edward Green and Daniel Halperin, formerly with AIDS units of USAID, accumulated and publicized much of the evidence that forced the UN to publicly admit the serious flaws with its AIDS numbers.  Although Dr. Chin believes there are 25 million AIDS cases worldwide, the UN is still reporting there are 33 million.  He told the Washington Post, “ . . .  they're getting closer. It's a little high, but it's not outrageous anymore".
  • Exaggerated numbers mean more money for AIDS programs.  AIDS researchers have stated that AIDS has become a “Billion Dollar Industry.”
  • The National Institutes of Health spends $182, 807 per AIDS death compared to the second closest – diabetes deaths – which clocks in at $14,236.    More tax dollars were spent on AIDS than cancer or heart disease, which each kill more than 10 times more people annually in the U.S.?  Kay Warren and the Saddleback Church is urging all presidential candidates to expand the Bush administration’s $30 million Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. 
  • Health officials in large American cities are allowing the reopening of gay bathhouses, which facilitate the promiscuous sex that fuels the epidemic.
  • Abstinence works – not condoms.  African countries with the highest levels of condom availability such as Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa and Kenya also have some of the highest number of HIV cases in the world.    In May 2006 Kenya’s First Lady said, “Condoms are causing the spread of AIDS in this country.”  She has joined with Uganda’s First Lady in promoting abstinence programs, not condom distribution. 
  • The AIDS prevention program in Uganda, the country with the greatest decrease in AIDS cases, has cut pre-marital and extra-marital sexual activity down by stressing abstinence and fidelity to one's spouse. The HIV transmission rate fell from 18% to 5-7%.

Questions to consider:

1.)    On November 28th did the speakers from the Mazzoni Center, Philadelphia’s GLBT health center, give the above statistics to the 14-21 year olds who attended the Rainbow Room’s World AIDS Day presentation at Planned Parenthood in Doylestown or were they encouraged to use condoms?

2.)    As schools addressed World AIDS Day did they provide their students with accurate information or was it ‘politically correct’ information ignoring the high numbers of men who have sex with men and have HIV/AIDS?  How did a school’s Gay Straight Alliance or GSA participate in observing World AIDS Day?

3.)    On December 1st  will youth attending Saddleback Church’s first AIDS Youth Summit get accurate statistics or will it be a ‘feel good’ session?

“The AIDS epidemic is continuing largely unabated because the root issue – sin- is not being dealt with.  Too many want to simply toss money at the problem trying to put a band aid on it and are creating the situation we have now with a disproportionate dollar amount being spent on AIDS research.  If we don’t stop approaching the problem in a politically correct manner, the AIDS epidemic will continue,” Gramley concluded.


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