Wednesday, December 31, 2008

AFA of PA Action Alert: Your Help Needed!



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December 29, 2008


A New Year Approaches – End of Year Donations Critical


Just a few days ago we celebrated the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Hoping you and your family had a wonderful time as we all slowed down from our busy schedules to think about His birth and all that surrounded it, but especially to think about the great love God showed toward us in the Gift of His Son.


As we see increased attacks upon values that used to be considered ‘American values’ which were held by the majority of Americans it is even more critical that we stand firm for those Biblical values upon which this nation was built.  The historical revisionists would have us believe that America was not founded by Christians, but deists who did not believe God intervened in the affairs of man.   These revisionists ignore the many miracles which were part of the founding of this nation, thus it is easy for them to cry ‘foul’ when we speak of Biblical values.


As we face a new year, the AFA of PA needs your help.


Here are a few highlights of 2008:


·         The AFA of PA has been very busy this year upholding those Biblical values throughout Pennsylvania.  Additionally, we were privileged to participate in a news conference in front of McDonalds’ headquarters in Oak Brook, IL in July and another one in San Francisco in support of Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Amendment and an ‘opportunity’ to videotape the obscenity on the streets of San Francisco during the Folsom Street Fair in September. 

·         In March I was privileged to speak at a rally supporting traditional marriage at Penn State’s Main Campus in State College.  This was in response to State College Mayor Bill Welch officiating at the commitment ceremony of four homosexual couples at the HUB on campus.

·         The AFA of PA was the only group here in PA to join a coalition of organizations asking parents to keep their children home from school during the Gay Day of Silence in April.

·         In April the AFA of PA signed onto a letter to John W.  Marriott, III, the CEO of the Marriot chain of hotels.  The letter was asking for a meeting to address the issue of in-room pornographic movies being available in his hotels.  

·         The AFA of PA confronted Governor Ed Rendell when he led the ‘gay pride’ parade in New Hope, Bucks County

·         We also asked all nineteen of Pennsylvania’s U.S. Congressmen to come to the defense of the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council who is facing eviction from the Philadelphia headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929. 

·         The AFA of PA helped in the effort to get a Marriage Protection Amendment before the voters.  We confronted Senate Pro-Tempore Joseph Scarnati when the bill remained tabled in the Senate. 

·         Currently we are involved in Allegheny County helping the residents fight a homosexual special rights ordinance. 


But none of this will be able to continue unless we hear from you! 


Our plans for 2009 include contacting all 2,570 municipalities to let them know that many news accounts about the court decision involving Pulaski Township, Lawrence County’s sexually oriented business ordinance were wrong . . . their ordinance was not declared unconstitutional and other municipalities can still pass ordinances based on Pulaski’s with a few minor changes.


The AFA of PA has already let the coalition organizer know that we want to be a part of the coalition asking parents to keep their kids home from school on the Gay Day of Silence in April.  This will involve hours of research in addition to contacting PA schools who have, in the past, officially observed the Day of Silence.


We will continue monitoring the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network’s efforts to get more Pennsylvania schools to start Gay Straight Alliances.  There are ways to stop these!


The AFA of PA will continue educating on the dangers of pornography use and its connection to sexual assault and child abuse.  We’ll also continue exposing supposed ‘family-friendly’ video stores such as ‘Family Video’ and their backrooms with hardcore pornographic videos. . . . and what about family-owned Sheetz and its sale of Playboy, Playgirl and Hustler magazines? 


Anyway, as said earlier we are totally dependent on your contributions.  We receive no outside funding.  This year will be a tough year for all of us, but we pray that the Lord will lay it on your heart to make an end-of-the-year contribution. 


Remember your donations to the AFA of PA are tax-deductible and if you donate by the end of December 31, 2008 you can claim it on your 2008 tax return. 


You can donate online by clicking here or mail your donation, postmarked by December 31, 2008, to



P.O. Box 1048

Franklin, PA   16323


Looking forward to another year of service,


Diane Gramley


American Family Association of PA


P.O. Box 1048

149 Summit Drive

Franklin, PA   16323

Phone:  1.814.271.9078   FAX:  1.814.437.5432


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