Friday, August 24, 2007

Have you patronized blasphemy lately?

August 24, 2007

Have you patronized blasphemy lately?

Free video from our friends at clearly outlines how Hollywood hates Christianity...and Christians pay them to do it!

Did you know that there was a time when the entertainment industry was bound by a code that forbade them from using any blasphemy in a movie? The "Hays Code" stated:

Pointed profanity--this includes the words "God," "Lord," "Jesus," "Christ" (unless used reverently), "Hell," "S.O.B.," "damn," or every other profane or vulgar expression, however used--is forbidden.

Click Here to go to the video.Hollywood is no longer restricted by the code. Many of today's movies don't simply blaspheme the name of Jesus. They go one further. For example, the award-winning Blow, directed by Ted Demme, is a typical R-rated film. The name of Jesus Christ is blasphemed eleven times in the movie. Three of those times, for some reason, the "F" word is used in the middle of His name.

So, how can you (as one person), make a difference and influence the powerful Goliath of the entertainment industry? The answer is in your own hands. In 2005, roughly $8.8 billion was spent on movie tickets in the U.S. How much of $8.8 billion do you think came from those who call themselves Christians? According to The Barna Group, it was a massive $6.94 billion. Over 70% of the box office intake comes from people of faith.

With more than 170 million professing Christians in America, we have a powerful sling that can hit Hollywood between the eyes and leave a deep impression on its money-making mind.  They are causing an entire generation to hate Christianity, and to use the name of Jesus Christ to express disgust.


1. Watch the video above, then forward to everyone on your list.

2. Make a personal commitment from this point forward, to not watch movies that blaspheme God. If it happens in the theater, walk out. If it happens at home, change the channel.

3. Show this video to your circle of friends (Sunday school, youth group, entire church congregation). You can download it for FREE, or purchase a DVD copy ($7 donation suggested with FREE shipping).

Click here for more information oh how to share your faith effectively.

Are you a good person? Take the test!


Donald E. Wildmon, Chairman



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